MapsOther Road Information
Street LightsThe Town has street lights in Okee, in Harmony Grove, on Gallager Rd & Fair St and at the intersection of Lindsay Rd & State Highway 60. Street Light RepairsAlliant Energy: All street lights in Okee and Harmony Grove are powered through Alliant Energy. Any repair request can be submitted directly through their online Street Light Repair Request Form. Lodi Utilities: All street lights on Gallagher Rd, Fair St and the intersection of Lindsay Rd & State Highway 60 are powered through Lodi Utilities. Any repair request can be submitted directly through their online Street Light Outage Form.
Merrimac Ferry Closed for WinterNov 18, 2019: The Merrimac Ferry (Colsac III) has closed for the winter season as of 9:00am on Monday, November 18, 2019. The ferry was shut down early in order to complete some of the needed seasonal maintenance. WisDOT is having the ferry exterior painted over this winter season (beginning 12/15/2019 with completion in March). More details are available in this article.
Active Road Construction ProjectsSpring 2020: Finish Okee Bridge & County Road V ConstructionThu, Nov 7, 2019: Construction is finished (for the season) and the bridge is now open. There are still a few parts of this project that did not get completed as scheduled due to weather. The work scheduled for possibly this fall or most likely next spring, pending weather is: - Touch up topsoil and restoration.
- Finish the rest of the pavement markings.
- Repair spall area on a bridge girder when temperatures allow.
Additional project details are available on the Okee Bridge & County Road V Construction page. | |
Anticipated Future Road Construction Projects & StudiesFall 2022 - Fall 2023: Interstate 39/90/94 & State Highway 60 InterchangeThe State DOT has scheduled a reconstruction of the Interstate 39 & State Highway 60 interchange to start in the Fall of 2022 and continue through the Fall of 2023. The project includes replacement of the Interstate 39 northbound and southbound bridges and reconstruction of State Highway 60 from Pine Hollow Rd to Sunset Dr. The DOT also plans to replace the existing cloverleaf ramp configuration with a standard diamond ramp configuration (a ramp in each of the 4 quadrants of the interchange). The Interstate ramps and State Highway 60 will be closed for extended periods through the duration of both construction seasons. 2023: State Highway 60 (between Riddle Rd-Lodi & Wisconsin River Overflow Bridge)The State DOT has scheduled a "mill & overlay" for State Highway 60 from the Wisconsin River Overflow Bridge to Riddle Rd in the Town of Lodi. Construction is scheduled for the year 2023, with the potential to be advanced to 2021 if money is available. 2023: State Highway 113 (between Hwy 60 & Merrimac Ferry)The State DOT has scheduled a "mill & overlay" for State Highway 113 from State Highway 60 in the City of Lodi to State Highway 188 at the Merrimac Ferry. Construction is scheduled for the year 2023. The project will consist of removing 3.5 inches of existing surface and paving back 3.5 inches of new asphaltic material. Additional work includes installing a safety edge on the new pavement, placement of new shoulder aggregate material, replacement of old or damaged culvert pipes, improvement of curb ramps in the Town of Lodi, installation of centerline rumble strips, replacement of beam guard end terminals to meet new standards, and new pavement marking installation. See this Wisconsin DOT letter (PDF) for more details on the project and contact info to offer feedback.